Dr. Mareike Möhlmann


Associate Professor

Business, Department of Computer Information Systems 

Bentley University, US


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Mareike Möhlmann is Associate Professor at Bentley University's Department of Computer Information Systems (Business). Her major research interests include human-AI interaction, algorithmic management & the future of work, digtial platforms, the ethcial use of AI in organizations, and sharing economy platforms. 


Vita: Previously, she worked as an Assistant Professor at Warwick Business School, a visiting scholar/part-time lecturer at the London School of Economics, and a postdoctoral researcher at NYU’s Stern School of Business. She holds a doctoral degree (Ph.D. equivalent) in Business Administration/Management from the University of Hamburg, and an M.Sc. in Management from the London School of Economics. Before starting her career in academia, she worked for the United Nations (NYC office) on topics such as sustainability, climate change, and the green economy.


Research outputs: Mareike has published in top academic journal outlets such as the MIS Quarterly (UT Dallas, FT50, UK CABS 4*), Research Policy (FT50, UK CABS 4*), and the Journal for the Association of Information Systems (JAIS) (UK CABS 4*). Her work also appeared in major practitioner outlets such as the Harvard Business Review and the MIT Sloan Management Review. She received awards for her scholarly activities (e.g., the university-wide Bentley Outstanding Scholarly Contribution Award in 2022, the AOM CTO Division Best Paper Award in 2023, the AIS Practice Publication Award 2023, and the JAIS Best Paper Runner-Up Award in 2024).


Impact and media: Her research and comments have been featured in industry outlets and mainstream media such as The Times, the Financial Times, the BBC, The Telegraph, the World Economic Forum, The Independent, The Conversation, and many more. In 2017 alone, her research about drivers’ reactions to Uber's algorithmic management was covered on the front page of The Times (UK print version) and in more than 200 press outlets worldwide. She has contributed to multiple podcasts (e.g., published by the Sydney Business Insights in 2021) and has been invited to events for companies and public sector organizations (e.g., the United Nations in 2022, Facebook in 2021) to present her work.


Teaching: She has been teaching courses such as managing AI, business analytics, design thinking, digital innovation, digital marketing, and service learning at the undergraduate, graduate, and executive levels and is supervising several Ph.D. students. At Bentley University, she has been teaching the IPM 652 "Managing with Analytics" course (graduate level), the GB 310 "Business Processes and Systems" course (undergraduate level), and the First-Year Seminar. She is also teaching on Bentley's executive program "Artificial Intelligence for Business Advantage". Mareike's teaching performance was recognized by two Warwick Business School Dean's certificates of teaching excellence, and she received the Warwick Business School Award for Outstanding Contributions to Teaching in 2019. 


Service: Mareike is the co-chair of Bentley's AI Task Force, together with Provost Paul Tesluk and Bentley's CIO Liz Hess. She has been reviving and organizing (now co-organizing) the MIS@Bentley research seminar. In the past, she was a member of the Bentley Curriculum Policy Committee and the Bentley University Shuttle Advisory Committee. Mareike is the Representative-at-Large of the Academy of Management (AOM) CTO division (Executive Committee). She serves on the Information Systems Research Editorial Review Board, the Editorial Board of the Journal of Strategic Information Systems (JSIS), and as an Associate Editor (AE) for the European Journal for Information Systems. Mareike regularly acts as an AE for ICIS, ECIS and AOM conferences and as a reviewer for top journals in IS (e.g., Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, JAIS, etc.). In the past, she took over several service roles in the IS community, including acting as a co-mini-track chair at HICSS conferences (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024), and a program committee member for the Pre-ICIS workshop on the 'Changing Nature of Work' (2018, 2019, 2021, 2022). She has taken over informal and formal mentoring responsibilities (e.g., mentor at the paper-a-thon at ICIS 2021, mentor for an AIS Chapter Germany initiative, for SIG DITE workshops in 2023 and 2024).  Mareike is a member of the YP Steering Committee of the German-American Business Council of Boston.